
A Heartwarming Story of Faith Chelimo

18 May 2023

Good morning!

I wanted to share a heartwarming story with you, capturing a few events that have brought joy to my heart.

While I was abroad recently, I received a WhatsApp message from a friend. The message informed me about a young girl who had been unable to join a good secondary school due to financial constraints. Instead, she found herself plucking tea and working on village lands alongside her mother to make ends meet. As a parent who cares deeply about the well-being of future generations, this story pained me. Recognizing that education serves as a crucial springboard to success in our increasingly knowledge-dependent world, I was deeply moved.

I couldn't bear to let this situation continue. Taking immediate action, I reached out to the local administration and engaged the community. Together, we organized a fundraiser within just five days to provide the girl with the basic necessities she required. Furthermore, I made a personal commitment to cover her full fees for the duration of her four-year education, as I firmly believe in working together for the greater good of our community.

Now, I am delighted to share that Faith Chelimo, this brilliant and resilient girl, will be attending St. Mary's Taachasis Girls' Secondary School. After missing an entire first term, she can now pursue her education and embark on a journey toward a brighter future.Faith, we wish you all the best and encourage you to make your family, community, and yourself proud. You are a shining star, and we believe in your potential to achieve greatness.

I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the principal of St. Mary's Taachasis Girls' Secondary School. When we reached out for assistance, the principal was incredibly supportive, demonstrating a commitment to educational empowerment that we deeply value. Tunashukuru Sana. By investing in education and uplifting the younger generation, we lay the foundation for a brighter and more prosperous future.

Together, let us continue to prioritize education as a means of empowerment and strive for the success and well-being of every child in our community.

Thank you for your support and for joining us on this inspiring journey.
