
Celebrating 70 Years of Faith and History in Nandi Hills

05 Nov 2023

Nandi Hills, a region rich in history, recently marked a significant milestone as we joined congregants at the Nandi Hills ACK Church to celebrate its 70th year of existence. This historic church, established by the early white settlers who owned renowned tea estate farms and dairy units in Nandi hills, has been a cornerstone of the community for decades.

Elder Chepkulei, a custodian of Nandi Hills' history, shared stories that shed light on the region's painful historical injustices. The gathering served as an opportunity for reflection and remembrance of the past, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and addressing these issues for a better future.

The sermon was delivered by Ven Can Kagri from Marsabit, a passionate servant and preacher of the gospel of Christ. His message resonated with the attendees, emphasizing the values of love, peace, and unity.

During the service, we engaged in discussions about the need for peaceful coexistence among elected leaders in Nandi and national leaders appointed by HE William Samoei Ruto. It was a call for unity and collaboration in pursuit of regional development, highlighting the necessity for affirmative action to address pressing issues with respect and diplomacy.

Notable figures in attendance included Hon Cynthia Muge, the Women Representative for Nandi, Hon Mengeech, Director of Vocational Training, and Prof Chemiron, the Director of the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA). Their presence underscored the importance of faith, community, and cooperation in driving progress.

As we continue to navigate the challenges of our times, the Nandi Hills ACK Church and its congregation remind us of the enduring power of faith and unity. In a region that has seen its share of struggles, harmonious relationships, and mutual respect are the keys to a brighter future. Mbarikiwe sana!