
Fund drive of Ten churches of Ack St peter's Sigilai Parish

12 Aug 2023

On the 12th of August 2023, an astounding event took place that showcased the true essence of community and unity. I had the privilege of attending a fundraising event graced by esteemed leaders, including Deputy President H.E. Rigathi Gachagua, EGH, DL David Langat, CS Roads Onesimus Kipchumba Murkomen, Governor H.E. Stephen Sang, and all Members of Parliament from Nandi County. Together, we accomplished something truly incredible - raising over Kes 25 million.

The purpose of this event was to provide support to ten churches within the ACK St. Peter's Sigilai Parish, hosted at ACK St. Mark's Lokireny in the heart of Nandi Hills Constituency. Witnessing such a diverse group of leaders come together for a common cause was a humbling experience. It emphasized the significance of community and the extraordinary power of unity when harnessed to support a worthy cause.

As I left the event, a sense of pride and optimism filled my heart. The successful fundraising effort demonstrated that when individuals from different walks of life unite, amazing things can happen. This event was not just about raising funds; it was a tester of the strength of our community and a reminder of what can be achieved when we come together with a shared purpose.

In times when divisions often dominate headlines, this event serves as a shining example of how collective efforts can make a profound impact. It is a reminder that, despite our differences, we can achieve greatness when we work together for the betterment of our communities.