
Happy World Teachers' Day

05 Oct 2023

Happy Teachers' Day to all the remarkable educators who have shaped our lives and futures! As we celebrate this special day, it's essential to reflect on the significance of education in our community, especially in a place like Nandi Hills. Education is not just a profession; it's a pillar upon which our success and progress as a society stand. I can say this with confidence because I am a product of the dedication and passion of teachers.

Today, I had the privilege of meeting with the Secondary School Principals and Head Teachers of all primary schools in Nandi Hills Constituency. This consultative meeting was a vital step in our journey to improve school infrastructure and enhance the performance of our schools for the betterment of our children and posterity.

During the meeting, I attentively listened to the proposals and ideas put forth by these dedicated administrators. Their insights were invaluable, and I also shared my vision for our educational system. Together, we reached a consensus on a collaborative approach that will enable us to work harmoniously toward achieving our goals.

In my next Constituency Development Fund (CDF) plan, I am committed to aligning our efforts with the recommendations and suggestions of these outstanding educators. Additionally, as a token of appreciation for their hard work, I offered to sponsor a trip to Mombasa once they had successfully completed the demanding task of managing examinations.

My deep respect and admiration for teachers stem from personal experience, as both of my parents were educators. On this Teachers' Day, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all teachers for their dedication, commitment, and tireless efforts in shaping the future of our children and our community. Together, we will continue to make education a cornerstone of our success in Nandi hills.