
Kapkutung-Kaplesio-Kapsokio-Kipkurere River Road

31 Aug 2023

The Kapkutung-Kaplesio-Kapsokio-Kipkurere River Road is not just another county road; it is a lifeline for the people of Kapsokio Village. With the promise of prosperity and growth looming on the horizon, this road is set to be a game-changer

Requested and initiated with the intention of facilitating the development of Kapsokio Village, this road project will not compromise on quality. It will be built to exceptionally high standards, ensuring durability and safety for years to come.

What makes this project truly special is the community's involvement. Empowered by the vision of a better future, the community has pledged its support to ensure the project's success. They understand that their active participation is key to achieving the desired results.

A dedicated oversight team, led by the visionary behind this initiative, will closely monitor and supervise every step of the project. With such commitment and collaboration, the Kapkutung-Kaplesio-Kapsokio-Kipkurere River Road is not just a road; it's a symbol of hope, progress, and a brighter tomorrow for Kapsokio Village.