
Success of Youth Empowerment

08 Aug 2023

In the bustling streets of Kapsabet, a member of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) team has a chance encounter with Daniel Kirong from Siwo location. Daniel, is a graduate of the Kansai-Plascon Painting Program, -a program I initiated to empower youths of Nandihills,is spotted returning from his day's work. The scene reflects the essence of the proverb "Teaching a man how to fish, not giving out the fish." Daniel's involvement in his day hustle underscores the value of skill acquisition and education, as he's applying the techniques learned in a practical setting. This encounter exemplifies the positive impact of empowering individuals with the tools and knowledge to sustain themselves independently, echoing the sentiment that true empowerment comes from providing skills and opportunities for self-reliance. Kazi Mbele.