
Supporting Education and Infrastructure in Kapchuriai

05 Sep 2023

Every child deserves an opportunity to learn and grow, and it is our collective responsibility as leaders to create an ambient environment that nurtures their potential. Today marked a remarkable day as I had the privilege of handing over a cheque of 1.2 Million Kenyan Shillings to Kapchuriai Primary School for infrastructure and development.

The sheer joy and hope in the eyes of the children and teachers as they received this support were truly heartwarming. This contribution is a stepping stone towards a brighter future for them and countless others for years to come.

Education is the cornerstone of progress, and without proper infrastructure and equipment, children's potential remains untapped. It is incumbent upon us to bridge this gap and ensure that the next generation receives the quality education they deserve.

Moreover, I had the honor of engaging with the community to discuss the Siwo-Kapchuriai-Chepkunyuk road project. I made a commitment to prioritize and oversee the construction of this road to the highest standards it deserves.

Investing in education and infrastructure is an investment in the future. Together, as a community, we can create an environment where every child's dreams can take flight, and where progress and prosperity know no bounds.