
Unlocking Global Opportunities: A Paradigm Shift in Addressing Youth Unemployment

08 Nov 2023

In a recent courtesy call to Mrs. Edith Okoki, the Director General and CEO of the National Employment Authority, we delved into a meaningful conversation about job opportunities for the younger generation. The insightful discussion has not only broadened my understanding but has also ignited a shift in our approach to tackling unemployment issues come January.

The prevailing need to explore global job markets has become more evident than ever. Our conversation emphasized the importance of looking beyond local borders for employment prospects. It's time to tap into the vast opportunities the global arena offers and redefine our strategies to cater to the intellectually trained youth.

As we navigate the challenges of providing employment for the many graduates facing limited opportunities domestically, the focus is now on cultivating avenues for intellectually demanding jobs. This shift in perspective marks a turning point in addressing unemployment issues. With a fresh outlook and a global mindset, the upcoming year holds the promise of positive change in the employment landscape. Here's to the anticipation of fruitful outcomes and a brighter future for the younger generation in the workforce.